This goal was canceled because another goal was recieved by the simple action server

asked 2020-12-11 01:08:23 -0500

ysl208 gravatar image

updated 2020-12-11 02:42:01 -0500


I am trying to actuate the gripper by sending a goal to a simple action server, but it fails when I check the /result message, it states the above error message in the status: 'text':

  seq: 5
    secs: 1607669549
    nsecs:  29140484
  frame_id: ''
      secs: 1607669522
      nsecs: 581494790
    id: "/robotiq_2f_gripper_action_server-1-1607669522.581494790"
  status: 8
  text: "This goal was canceled because another goal was recieved by the simple action server"
  position: 0.0
  effort: 0.0
  stalled: False
  reached_goal: False

But when I check the published /goal, it only receives a single one. So I'm not sure why it thinks that there is another goal.

I am using the robotiq 2f gripper action server: Edit: I have a feeling that this action server doesn't actually work? When i look at the robotiq_2f_gripper_action_server.cpp file, I don't see how it commands the robot to actuate the gripper.

I'm on ros melodic.

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how do you check the goals sended? using rostopic echo?

Solrac3589 gravatar image Solrac3589  ( 2020-12-11 01:18:43 -0500 )edit

yeah, i did rostopic echo /gripper/goal

ysl208 gravatar image ysl208  ( 2020-12-11 02:40:39 -0500 )edit