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videre_stereo_cam with STH-DCSG-VAR-C stereo pair

Hi everyone,

I have a Videre STH-DCSG-VAR-C stereo pair, which I have tested and calibrated using SVS software in Ubuntu 10.10. I am currently unable to get the viderestereocam package to work with it in ROS Electric, due to a few issues. Some of them I have been able to address after a while, but I am stumped.

Here's how things progressed:

[ INFO] [1340045715.020822851]: Connected camera is NOT a STOC device

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'

what(): basicstring::S_construct NULL not valid

[ INFO] [1340046997.808318318]: Connecting to camera with GUID 23930887758754071 [VIDERE_DESIGN MDS-STH]

[ INFO] [1340046997.808373385]: Connected camera is NOT a STOC device

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'VidereStereoDriverException'

what(): setFormat: not a valid mode: DC1394VIDEOMODE640x480YUV422

[ INFO] [1340047856.963961625]: Setting mode to none

[ INFO] [1340047856.964030214]: Color conversion from Bayer pattern is Disabled


seq: 13


secs: 1340047966

nsecs: 895023823

frameid: /stereooptical_frame

height: 0

width: 0

encoding: ''

is_bigendian: 0

step: 0

data: []

Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks in advance!

Asked by georgebrindeiro on 2012-06-18 09:39:08 UTC

