
asked 2020-12-04 09:51:11 -0500

updated 2020-12-09 22:59:01 -0500

Hey guys! I'm new in ros. Now I want to use this service: AddPoseToCartesianTrajectory(in kinova-ros repo) , the official introduction is :

Executing multiple Cartesian waypoints without stopping The action client executes one goal at a time. In case the user wants to give multiple waypoints to the robot without stopping at every waypoint, the service AddPoseToCartesianTrajectories can be used. This service adds the commanded poses to a buffer that that maintained by the robot. The robot executes the poses in this buffer in the order that they are added, without stopping between poses. The service ClearTrajectories can be used to clear the trajectory buffer in the base.

I've read the ros-wiki about how to write a service and client, but still unsure how to use this .srv, there is not a n example found. Can anyone do me a favor?

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