How to move Dynamixels with different protocol type in once
I want to use both types of motors which have different protocol in once.(AX-12:protocol1.0, XM430-W210:protocol2.0)
Please tell me how to control two motors specify in the launch file.(in details please...)
Asked by YongJun on 2020-11-25 02:33:50 UTC
You can achieve communication with both protocols using Dynamixel SDK. It is written in both C++ and Python and a few other languages. Here you can find examples on how you can combine both protocols in C++ and Python. A ROS based package Dynamixel Workbench is provided by Robotis. This should give you an idea how you can use Dynamixel SDK for ROS specific interfaces.
Asked by Tahir M. on 2020-11-25 06:20:33 UTC