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How are Turtlebot2 images encoded?

I am trying to decompress images published on the /camera/depth/image_raw/compressed topic in Windows without using any ROS packages. I am doing this to setup a DLL import for a Unity plugin that works with the robot's RGBD data.

When launching the 3dsensor.launch file, there are both compressed and raw image topics which makes me think it's using the image_transport package to compress the images. There are topics for both PNG and JPG compressed images, but when looking at the image_transport source code it seems to only support PNG and RVL formats.

I have been able to decompress the PNG encoded images based on the image_transport source code, but I can't follow a procedure in the source code to compress JPG images so this makes me wonder if image_transport is being used or if it's something else entirely.

Asked by sterlingm on 2020-11-15 06:26:14 UTC

