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moveit takes a lot of time for plan and execute

asked 2020-11-14 15:08:00 -0500

Kappa95 gravatar image

updated 2020-11-14 17:04:09 -0500

Hi community, I'm a newbie of ROS and i had started to work with a Yumi robot of ABB (IRB 14000). In order to use ROS Kinetic (with ubuntu 16.04) with this robot i followed these guides and installed these packages Now i'm in some trouble with the trajectory planning mainly because:

  1. The trajectory planning takes a lot of time also for very easy poses: for example
  2. The planners do "whatever they want" (but probably i fixed with my old question link text)
  3. Sometime the planner does not compute the path for no reason

I searched a lot in the web and i had setted/changed different parameters in the ompl_planning.yaml file. For example now i'm using:

type: geometric::RRTstar
termination_condition: Iteration[10]
range: 0.0  # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
goal_bias: 0.05  # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
delay_collision_checking: 1  # Stop collision checking as soon as C-free parent found. default 1

Is there are also a "good way" to program the motion? I followed all the tutorials regarding Python language because is the one that i'm using and the code written by me is:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import copy
from typing import Any
from moveit_msgs.msg import *
from moveit_commander import *
from std_msgs.msg import String
import geometry_msgs.msg
from yumi_utils import PI, gripper_effort
from yumi_hw.srv import *
from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler, concatenate_matrices, euler_matrix, quaternion_from_matrix

# Arm IDs
RIGHT = 1  # :ID of the right arm
LEFT = 2  # :ID of the left arm
BOTH = 3  # :ID of both_arms

# Defining the measure of the table
table_height = 0.025  # [m] :The height of the upper surface of the table (z)
table_length = 1.200  # [m] :The width of the table (y)
table_width = 0.400  # [m] :The width of the table (x)

# Length of the Gripper from datasheet
z_gripper = 0.136  # [m]

# Distance of the center of the cam from yumi_link_7_r
z_cam = 0.040  # [m]

# Length of the test tube
length_tube = 0.125  # [m]

# Choice of the planners
planner = "RRTstarkConfigDefault"  # Asymptotic optimal tree-based planner
# planner = "ESTkConfigDefault"  # Default: tree-based planner
# planner = "RRTConnectConfigDefault"  # Tree-based planner
# planner = "PRMstarkConfigDefault"  # Probabilistic Roadmap planner

planning_attempts = 100  # planning attempts
planning_time = 50  # [s] Planning time for computation

# Defining the workspace [min X, min Y, min Z, max X, max Y, max Z]
ws_R = [0.000, -table_length/2, table_height, 0.600, 0.200, 0.593]
ws_L = [0.000, -0.200, table_height, 0.600, table_length, 0.593]

# Initialization of the Node
rospy.init_node('demo_test', anonymous=True, log_level=rospy.DEBUG)
# Initialization of Moveit
rospy.loginfo('Starting the Initialization')

robot = RobotCommander()
scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
mpr = MotionPlanRequest()

# Left arm
group_l = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm")
# Type of planner

# Setting the workspace

# Replanning

# Right arm
group_r = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm")
# Type of planner
# group_r.set_planner_id(planner)
group_r.set_pose_reference_frame("yumi_body ...
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I would suggest adding some info to this question:

  • Copy and paste the logs from motion planning and trajectory execution.
  • Can you provide an example of the third problem you mention, where the planner fails to compute a trajectory "for no reason"? When I've run into this problem before there's always a reason, but it's usually subtle and hard to find :)
jschornak gravatar image jschornak  ( 2020-11-14 19:00:33 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2020-11-14 18:58:05 -0500

jschornak gravatar image

In this section of your code:

 # Choice of the planners
planner = "RRTstarkConfigDefault"  # Asymptotic optimal tree-based planner
# planner = "ESTkConfigDefault"  # Default: tree-based planner
# planner = "RRTConnectConfigDefault"  # Tree-based planner
# planner = "PRMstarkConfigDefault"  # Probabilistic Roadmap planner

planning_attempts = 100  # planning attempts
planning_time = 50  # [s] Planning time for computation

you tell MoveIt to use the RRTstarkConfigDefault planner config and set planning_time to 50 seconds. This planner is an "asymptotic optimal" planner, which means that after finding an initial feasible solution it will continue to plan to try to find better solutions until it reaches its time limit. In your video I can see that this planner finds its initial solution very quickly after you trigger the planning request, but only returns its solution after 50 seconds have elapsed, which matches the value you've set for planning_time.

Have you tried switching to a different planner like ESTkConfigDefault or RRTConnectConfigDefault? RRTConnect, for example, will return as soon as it finds an initial solution, which is useful if you want quick answers to plans of varying complexity. Or, you could try reducing planning_time, though there's a risk that if you pick a very short time limit the planner might not be able to find even an initial solution before timing out if the problem is very complicated.

The Open Motion Planning Library that MoveIt uses provides documentation about each of these planning algorithms here, which could be useful for selecting which one is best for your application.

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Thank you so much for your answer: actually i misunderstood the method: set_planning_time(planning_time) as the maximum time in which the planner should find a solution... Infact this solved the time. But sometimes is not able to compute any motion. Actually i'm trying all the planners that i have commented in my code and i have notice that they provide different solutions and sometimes the pose of the robot is too approximate or far from the target (4-10mm from the target on some direction). Also i have the issue of "incomplete motion", i mean that the planner doesn't plan or find a solution for the motion and i don't understand why.

I'm going to step with this project in order to learn ROS with calm starting with "easier" targets and later switch to a vision system for fetching the target positions for picking and placing also.

Kappa95 gravatar image Kappa95  ( 2020-11-15 03:55:09 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2020-11-14 15:08:00 -0500

Seen: 1,704 times

Last updated: Nov 14 '20