moveit takes a lot of time for plan and execute
Hi community, I'm a newbie of ROS and i had started to work with a Yumi robot of ABB (IRB 14000). In order to use ROS Kinetic (with ubuntu 16.04) with this robot i followed these guides and installed these packages Now i'm in some trouble with the trajectory planning mainly because:
- The trajectory planning takes a lot of time also for very easy poses: for example
- The planners do "whatever they want" (but probably i fixed with my old question link text)
- Sometime the planner does not compute the path for no reason
I searched a lot in the web and i had setted/changed different parameters in the ompl_planning.yaml file. For example now i'm using:
type: geometric::RRTstar
termination_condition: Iteration[10]
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
delay_collision_checking: 1 # Stop collision checking as soon as C-free parent found. default 1
Is there are also a "good way" to program the motion? I followed all the tutorials regarding Python language because is the one that i'm using and the code written by me is:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import copy
from typing import Any
from moveit_msgs.msg import *
from moveit_commander import *
from std_msgs.msg import String
import geometry_msgs.msg
from yumi_utils import PI, gripper_effort
from yumi_hw.srv import *
from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler, concatenate_matrices, euler_matrix, quaternion_from_matrix
# Arm IDs
RIGHT = 1 # :ID of the right arm
LEFT = 2 # :ID of the left arm
BOTH = 3 # :ID of both_arms
# Defining the measure of the table
table_height = 0.025 # [m] :The height of the upper surface of the table (z)
table_length = 1.200 # [m] :The width of the table (y)
table_width = 0.400 # [m] :The width of the table (x)
# Length of the Gripper from datasheet
z_gripper = 0.136 # [m]
# Distance of the center of the cam from yumi_link_7_r
z_cam = 0.040 # [m]
# Length of the test tube
length_tube = 0.125 # [m]
# Choice of the planners
planner = "RRTstarkConfigDefault" # Asymptotic optimal tree-based planner
# planner = "ESTkConfigDefault" # Default: tree-based planner
# planner = "RRTConnectConfigDefault" # Tree-based planner
# planner = "PRMstarkConfigDefault" # Probabilistic Roadmap planner
planning_attempts = 100 # planning attempts
planning_time = 50 # [s] Planning time for computation
# Defining the workspace [min X, min Y, min Z, max X, max Y, max Z]
ws_R = [0.000, -table_length/2, table_height, 0.600, 0.200, 0.593]
ws_L = [0.000, -0.200, table_height, 0.600, table_length, 0.593]
# Initialization of the Node
rospy.init_node('demo_test', anonymous=True, log_level=rospy.DEBUG)
# Initialization of Moveit
rospy.loginfo('Starting the Initialization')
robot = RobotCommander()
scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
mpr = MotionPlanRequest()
# Left arm
group_l = MoveGroupCommander("left_arm")
# Type of planner
# Setting the workspace
# Replanning
# Right arm
group_r = MoveGroupCommander("right_arm")
# Type of planner
# group_r.set_planner_id(planner)
group_r.set_pose_reference_frame("yumi_body ...
I would suggest adding some info to this question: