urdf file generated by Moveit setup assistant invisible in gazebo

asked 2020-11-10 22:22:36 -0500

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HI all, I followed this tutorial https://ros-planning.github.io/moveit...

The urdf file generated by moveit setup assistant is invisible in Gazebo after I run:

$ roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch paused:=true use_sim_time:=false gui:=true throttled:=false recording:=false debug:=true

$ rosrun gazebo_ros spawn_model -file <my_path file_name.urdf=""> -urdf -x 0 -y 0 -z 1 -model panda

The gazebo shows that there is this robot and I can click each link it will show the border of each link but it is invisible.

Here is the urdf file: <robot name="panda"> <link name="panda_link0"> <visual> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/visual/link0.dae"/> </geometry> </visual> <collision> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/collision/link0.stl"/> </geometry> </collision>

<inertial> <mass value="0.1"/> <inertia ixx="0.03" iyy="0.03" izz="0.03" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyz="0.0"/> </inertial>

<link name="panda_link1">
            <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/visual/link1.dae" />
            <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/collision/link1.stl" />

<inertial> <mass value="0.1"/> <inertia ixx="0.03" iyy="0.03" izz="0.03" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyz="0.0"/> </inertial>

<joint name="panda_joint1" type="revolute">
    <safety_controller k_position="100.0" k_velocity="40.0" soft_lower_limit="-2.8973" soft_upper_limit="2.8973" />
    <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0.333" />
    <parent link="panda_link0" />
    <child link="panda_link1" />
    <axis xyz="0 0 1" />
    <limit effort="87" lower="-2.8973" upper="2.8973" velocity="2.1750" />
<link name="panda_link2">
            <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/visual/link2.dae" />
            <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/collision/link2.stl" />

<inertial> <mass value="0.1"/> <inertia ixx="0.03" iyy="0.03" izz="0.03" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyz="0.0"/> </inertial>

<joint name="panda_joint2" type="revolute">
    <safety_controller k_position="100.0" k_velocity="40.0" soft_lower_limit="-1.7628" soft_upper_limit="1.7628" />
    <origin rpy="-1.57079632679 0 0" xyz="0 0 0" />
    <parent link="panda_link1" />
    <child link="panda_link2" />
    <axis xyz="0 0 1" />
    <limit effort="87" lower="-1.7628" upper="1.7628" velocity="2.1750" />
<link name="panda_link3">
            <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/visual/link3.dae" />
            <mesh filename="package://franka_description/meshes/collision/link3.stl" />

<inertial> <mass value="0.1"/> <inertia ixx="0.03" iyy="0.03" izz="0.03" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyz="0.0"/> </inertial>

<joint name="panda_joint3" type="revolute">
    <safety_controller k_position="100.0" k_velocity="40.0" soft_lower_limit="-2.8973" soft_upper_limit="2.8973" />
    <origin rpy="1.57079632679 0 0" xyz="0 -0.316 ...
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