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Hector Slam & Autonomous Navigation, Next Steps?


Hi! I was wondering if someone can help me figure out what are the next steps that I should take in order to achieve autonomous navigation using Hector Slam.

Hardware and Software Detials

Tasks Completed

Next Steps?

I have going around ROS tutorials and ROS Answers and I am confused about where to go from here.

I know that running the Hector Slam "tutorial.launch" file will bring up RVIZ and on there I can send a "2D Nav Goal". I also know I need something else to subscribe to that topic to publish to "/cmd_vel" so that my robot can move. However, I do not know how to do that.

It seems as though, I can either use "movebase" from the Navigation Stack tutorial or use "hectornavigation"/"hectorexplorationplanner".

Can anyone help me and tell me which of the two I should do? Thanks!

Asked by KennyxD on 2020-11-04 12:29:02 UTC


now I'm in the same step. Did you find an answer or a way ?

Asked by apprentice_user on 2021-03-01 08:24:18 UTC

I am at the exact same position also can anyone tell us the next step or the way any help will be aprpeciated

Asked by mada63 on 2021-04-10 10:29:42 UTC
