position control or force control when unlatching door handle and opening door?

asked 2020-10-28 03:08:51 -0500

xibeisiber gravatar image

Hi all,

I'm working on the door-opening project for my robot. Now I'm not sure how to control the robot to unlatch handle and open door.

After grasping the handle, the eef should follow an arc path to unlatch the handle around the handle axis, then an arc path to open the door around the hinge of the door. If I know exactly the information of handle axis, handle length, door hinge etc, I can calculate the waypoints of the arcs, use MOVEIT! to plan and execute the path. But this seems a bit dangerous: if the information has some bias, it may lead to the collision or failure of the process. When planning using MOVEIT, I need to disable the collision check of the robot and the door octomap.

The pr2 uses tff_controller (Task Frame Formalism, seem to be a hybrid of position and force control ) to unlatch and open door, and it depends on the pr2_controller_interface, I'm not sure whether it's easy to convert this controller to other robot. Also, I don't know whether tff is still a good choice now.

Thanks for any advices!

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