Bandwidth is different between two computers
I ran a bag file of point clouds and filtered it with pcl
library (C++).
In the first compourt:
For the original point clouds topic the rate (by calling rostopic bw /<topic>
) was about 30MB/s.
After processing with pcl
the rate was about 650Kb/s.
With the same pcl
code which was running in the first computer and with the same bag
the rate on the second computer was about 8MB/s.
What it makes it to be more weird is that when I sliced almost 99% from the original point clouds with pcl
the rate of the 8MB/s never changed. No matter what I tried to do.
I saw with Rviz
that the pcl
code is actual worked.
Both computers' ros distro are melodic
Thanks for your help.
Asked by Aviad on 2020-10-14 01:37:43 UTC