No images recieved from Ros topic

asked 2020-10-08 01:38:26 -0500

Qilos gravatar image

Hello, Im using Ubuntu 16.04 and ros kinetic im currently simulating a robot which has multiple cameras and i can see see those cameras in ros topic list But when i tried to rostopic echo /pepper/camera/depth/image_raw I got an error: WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Is /clock being published?

How can i recieve the images from the camera?

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Did you start the gazebo simulation with the parameter paused and use_sim_time set to true? You can also set the extra_gazebo_args parameter to --verbose to see additional gazebo output.

GeorgNo gravatar image GeorgNo  ( 2020-10-08 08:18:21 -0500 )edit