Installing ROS on a Linux From Scratch(LFS) System

asked 2020-10-07 03:14:06 -0500

Ekrem V. Kılıç gravatar image

updated 2020-10-07 05:10:30 -0500


I aim to build ROS on my own OS, actually LFS(Linux From Scratch). I wish to see how it will perform and to see even if it is possible to do this. If I can't, that's no problem since I will have learned a lot about ROS and Linux in the process. If I can, I plan to share the process.

First, I need to determine the dependencies i.e. required packages to build ROS. But, I couldn't find any list of dependencies or something. If you know where, please share. Though, I guess I only need rosdep up and running, it will handle the rest. To do so, I will first build sudo and apt package manager.

Besides that, I would like to hear your opinions about this idea of installing ROS on LFS, and which sources I should check. Also, I think I will be installing ROS from the source, you can share your ideas, or guide me too. I am still researching and planning what I should do and in which order I should do them.

Lastly, I should say this is not about succeeding, it's about trying and experiencing the journey. Succeeding is just a reward, so even if you think that I can't do this, it's no reason for you not to share your ideas.

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Personally i think it's an interesting idea and I feel like it can have practical uses (optimizing a OS to work only focused on ROS) . Nevertheless, Being ROS a so big project with so many uses, i feel like practically should end having the same toos as a minimal installation of Ubuntu/Debian.

I personally feel like, even that, your aim is so interesting!

Solrac3589 gravatar image Solrac3589  ( 2020-10-07 07:11:50 -0500 )edit