Converting PointCloud2 into XYZ co-ordinates
Hello Community,
I am new to ROS. I am using Asus Xtion Pro Live (Depth Camera) with Raspberry Pi4 and ROS Melodic. I used Opneni2_launch package form ROS to integrate the depth camera on raspberry Pi. i am able to see the pointclouds and depth image in RVIZ.
Now I want to extract the XYZ co-ordinates from the PointCloud2 message. Especially, I want to know how many points corresponds to the black/invalid part of the depth image. I am using python to achieve this. how can i get the xyz coordinates?
Asked by AncientLord on 2020-10-06 10:06:02 UTC
Some answers to this same question are already on RA, see this question and answer in particular. If you have a more specific question please provide more details, otherwise I think that question and answers has enough information.
Asked by JackB on 2020-10-06 11:24:55 UTC
i tried all the suggested answers. However, i still can not see the xyz coordinates. I want to save the extracted XYZ coordinates in a file.
Asked by AncientLord on 2020-10-07 03:17:17 UTC
I am trying to detect calculate the valid and invalid points in a depth image. My idea is that the points with depth lesser than 50cm can be classified as invalid (the black pixels in the depth image). Has anyone tried this or achieved this?
Asked by AncientLord on 2020-10-12 07:35:37 UTC