autoware Vectormap traffic light and stop line
hello, i'm using openplanner 2.0.
i want to using traffic light state in oplocalplanner, it required vector map information.
in CalculateImportantParameterForDecisionMaking,
traffic light state is on when == trafficLightID. (it means traffic light information is matching stopline in vector map) is id in singaldata.csv trafficLightID is id in stopline's TLID in stopline.csv
and it is not same in moriyama vector map.
what's the problem? moriyama vectormap doesn't offer the traffic light state?
Asked by ichthus_han on 2020-10-01 12:20:04 UTC
OpenPlanner connects traffic light and lanes and stop line while loading the map.
Check ConstructRoadNetworkFromROSMessage in VectorMapLoader. Two functions are called to achieve this: LinkTrafficLightsAndStopLinesV2 and ConnectTrafficLightsAndStopLines.
To complete my answer, the lights are connected. but you need to send traffic light signal to be able to test this feature.
Asked by Hatem on 2020-10-03 13:47:42 UTC