Best approach to deploy robot software

asked 2020-09-28 05:47:01 -0500

dinesh gravatar image

I am searching for the best approach to deploy the root software in embedded devices. Here the main purpose is to develop, test the normal software libraries, executables, ros packages in the local pc and than deploying this developed and tested software in the embedded system like raspberrypi, jotson nano or any other embedded boards.

Here the software running on the embedded device should have following features: 1. It should be easily upgradable and updatable for new features and changes in future 2. Any new ros packages, libraries or normal c++ and python libraries and executables should be easily deployable through wireless communication. I did found this links for this purpose but couldn't conclude wheather this are useful for this purpose: 1. this. 2. this

The final purpoise is to deploy the ros based robot software in embedded device.

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