[Navigation] move_base not responding to nav goals being sent
Hey, can and will provide information as it is helpful. Fairly certain my tf tree is setup right, and I believe I have covered everything in my launch file from the ros navigation stack tutorial and everything launches without error, I can see the map in RViz with my bot. When I create a nav goal though nothing happens. The movebase node never publishes anything on the /cmdvel topic.
When I echo /cmd_vel and some others I get:
"WARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active.
Is /clock being published?" (I am running gazebo and that publishes /clock, and I can confirm that with a rostopic echo)
Anyone have any idea where the disconnect would be?
Things I have looked into and tried:
- movebase is subscribed to /movebase_simple/goal
- movebase is set to publish on /cmdvel
- I can send my own cmd_vel commands fine that isn't in question
- I tried rostopic pub /movebase/goal movebase_msgs/MoveBaseActionGoal "header:...
- no success publishing the goal manually on that topic
- I don't see any disconnects on rqt_graph or the tf tree that would worry me.
I cant upload images, but you can check out my tf tree and rqtgraph output on my reddit post on the topic; https://www.reddit.com/r/ROS/comments/is9azx/navigationstacknomovementsaresent_after/
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am just kind of at a loss for where to go next in debugging.
Asked by conorbc on 2020-09-14 09:07:45 UTC
are you able to visualize the local_costmaps in rviz. The obstacles and the inflation radius are all showing up properly? Cause when I look at your rqt_graph, move_base is not publishing anything. Specifically, the topics: 1. move_base/obstacles 2. move_base/inflated_obstacles 3. local_costmap/unknown_space are not showing up And also other topics like TrajectoryPlanners etc...are not showing up. Have you referred to this link: using Rviz with Navigation Stack
Lastly, did you resolve this issue, if yes, how? Because I'm facing the same problem. Thanks
Asked by pk99 on 2021-04-22 09:55:19 UTC
He seemed to solve it but the answer is here.
Hope it helps you.
Asked by Ronro on 2021-08-15 06:49:24 UTC