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vectornav does not output anything to rostopics, no errors from node

posted here from github for visibility, not much traffic or active maintenance going on:

I'm using a vn200 from vectornav I get a successful connection when I launch the node

`[ INFO] [1598998959.066538511]: Connected baud rate is 921600
[ INFO] [1598998959.081410790]: Device connection established
[ INFO] [1598998959.097750150]: Model Number: VN-200S-CR


rostopic list shows all the topic but nothing echos out

As a test, I used minicom and can see the data in the stream.

I was able to successfully use a much older fork of this branch here no problem:

However, this fork is dead and has minimum features compared to the dawonn upstream.

Has anyone had any issues like this?

Asked by mugetsu on 2020-09-02 21:02:22 UTC

