Image to Pointcloud 1-1 correspondence

asked 2020-08-27 08:09:39 -0500

elemecrobots gravatar image

Hi. I am using image for object detection. Once object is found in an image, I get the coordinates of the object detected with the help of pointcloud. If image size is 640 x 420, then i am getting structured pointcloud of 640 x 420 as well. Problem is, if the camera is a little rotated, I will still be able to detect image but the pointcloud gets rotated as well and hence I cant to 1-1 correspondence to get the coordinates of the object detected. Is there any solution through which I can tackle this problem?

Thanks in advance

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Are you using an RGBD camera? One thing is not quite clear to me: if the point cloud gets rotated with the camera, why is 1-1 correspondence not working anymore?

rfn123 gravatar image rfn123  ( 2020-08-27 08:46:54 -0500 )edit

Yes. I am using RGBD camera. The distance to an object which I calculate with the points from pointcloud when the object is standing at front of the camera is different as compared to when the camera is rotated a litttle bit wrt to the object detected. This is the reason I feel the 1-1 correspondence is not working. May be I am misunderstanding

elemecrobots gravatar image elemecrobots  ( 2020-08-27 10:02:20 -0500 )edit

Are you only computing the distance (I.e. Depth) to the object or the 6D pose of the object with respect to the camera frame?

rfn123 gravatar image rfn123  ( 2020-08-27 12:08:19 -0500 )edit

Once I rotate the camera wrt to the fixed object to be detected, I first find the object from an image and after that I take the corresponding x,y,z from the point cloud. Suppose, detected object was on (240,100) pixel in image, i take the corresponding (240,100) value of x,y,z from the pointcloud. Am i doing it wrong?

elemecrobots gravatar image elemecrobots  ( 2020-08-30 09:53:10 -0500 )edit