Are ther available implementations using franka_hw::FrankaHW and franka::Robot usable for the following scenarios

asked 2020-08-27 06:17:32 -0500

azerila gravatar image

I have a code for controlling Franka Emika robot that uses the franka_hw::FrankaHW::control method. This method takes a lambda function and calls ros_control controller manager update internally and has resulted in some limitations.

Namely, while this control method is running, I can't call franka::Robot::readOnce() to read the state of the robot and send it to another node for example.

Secondly, if for some reason I want to manipulate the feedback to the controller, or the output from the controller, I can't do so (assuming I can't access the controller's implementation and can only access the ros_control hardware interface.

If I have understood correctly the above method internally uses franka::Robot::control method.

Do you know of any implementation that explicitely uses franka::Robot::control method to make the controll loop ?

Can you think of workarounds for the above scenarios if one had to still use franka_hw::FrankaHW::control method ?

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