Right tool for trajectory planning (with non-zero initial velocity)?

asked 2020-08-18 02:01:42 -0500

blasrobot gravatar image

updated 2020-08-18 02:12:06 -0500

I need help to select the right tool (ROS package or even a non-ROS library) for the following goal:

I want to implement a real time trajectory planning for the end effector of a robot. Every time a new target pose arrives (let's call this time an "event"), a new trajectory is planned between the current pose and the target pose, making sure that the initial velocity of the new trajectory is the same as the velocity of the old trajectory at the moment of the event. Therefore, all three velocity components should not change suddenly at the time of the event and the trajectory joint is "smooth".

Using the old OROCOS KDL library, I have implemented an -almost- working simulation, by loading an initial velocity into each new trajectory. The problem with this method is that when the direction of movement is changed, there is a jump in velocity: for example, if there is a translation in the +x direction and then a new target is towards the -x direction, the velocity is reversed from +Vx to -Vx and this produces a sudden change in velocity. The right way would be to desaccelerate until stopping, then accelerate into the new direction. But this case does NOT happen when the new target position is further on the +x direction, as I do not need the robot to stop in that case.

To the trajectory planner experts: how can this be solved? Is there a way to load to the trajectory a velocity profile that always makes sure the Vx, Vy and Vz components are smooth? Is it possible to extend this problem to the 3 axis of movement?

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Hi, Did you find any solution?

nihalar gravatar image nihalar  ( 2020-08-31 13:27:45 -0500 )edit

Yes, I did not use OROCOS and made the trajectory planning by myself.

blasrobot gravatar image blasrobot  ( 2020-09-01 09:18:29 -0500 )edit

Would it be possible for you to share the code? (or share some tips/how tos) I have been trying for few days now.

nihalar gravatar image nihalar  ( 2020-09-01 13:06:23 -0500 )edit

The code is unfortunately not finished. But I can tell you, it consists on calculating a trapezoidal velocity (grade 2 polynomial position). And I do it with a function: inputs are time, max velocity and acceleration, current position and acceleration. The output will be a given pose at that time. I calculate the trajectory for each of the 6DoF (x y z rx ry rz) independently.

blasrobot gravatar image blasrobot  ( 2020-09-02 03:16:20 -0500 )edit