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Can I set more than two octomap settings for moveit?

Hi! I am using ROS melodic and moveit.

I am using octomap plugin in moveit to generate obstacle according to the tutorial.

I would like to ask whether can I set different octomap setting for each point cloud topics, e.g. octomap_resolution (voxel size) for topic A, topic B and so on.

Is there any way to realize it?

Asked by s000ne on 2020-08-14 03:05:48 UTC



Hi there,

From my limited understanding the short answer regarding octomap_resolution is no. It is specified in your sensor_manager.launch.xml which looks something like this:


  <!-- This file makes it easy to include the settings for sensor managers -->  

  <!-- Params for the octomap monitor -->
  <!--  <param name="octomap_frame" type="string" value="some frame in which the robot moves" /> -->
  <!-- <param name="octomap_frame" type="string" value="odom" /> -->
  <param name="octomap_frame" type="string" value="odom" />
  <param name="octomap_resolution" type="double" value="0.1" /> <!-- in meters -->
  <param name="max_range" type="double" value="2.5" />

  <!-- Load the robot specific sensor manager; this sets the moveit_sensor_manager ROS parameter -->
  <arg name="moveit_sensor_manager" default="awesome_robot" />
  <include file="$(find awesome_robot_moveit)/launch/$(arg moveit_sensor_manager)_moveit_sensor_manager.launch.xml" />


It loads awesome_robot_sensor_manager.launch.xml which loads senors.yaml to the parameter server. There you may define multiple sensors as mentioned in the tutorial. All those sensors however are contributing to the same octomap. That's why I assume you can set the resolution of the octomap as one entity. Padding however is a different story, This parameter can be adjusted by sensor in your sensor.yaml. More information can be found in the tutorials.

Asked by HappyBit on 2020-08-14 06:03:31 UTC
