Problem when I do source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash

asked 2020-08-12 18:27:46 -0500

srujan gravatar image

updated 2022-05-23 09:21:17 -0500

lucasw gravatar image

I get the below message when I try to source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash

bash: /bin/sed: Argument list too long 
bash: /bin/sed: Argument list too long
bash: /usr/bin/env: Argument list too long

What I did?

I was trying to build tesseract_ros from here. I cloned it and navigated into the directory. I was trying to install the dependencies, by running the below command

rosinstall /opt/ros/melodic dependencies.rosinstall

after this, I started getting those above messages.

I went inside /opt/ros/melodic and found out that 6 packages are created inside /opt/ros/melodic. I removed all those six packages, and I till get those messages.

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Why don't you clone it to a workspace in home directory? It's better if you don't mess with /opt directory if you aren't sure of what you are doing.

parzival gravatar image parzival  ( 2020-08-13 11:31:53 -0500 )edit

I initially tried doing it in workspace directory only. I got some errors. I looked about that error on ROS answers, I followed a ROS answer, which lead me to this issue.

srujan gravatar image srujan  ( 2020-08-13 18:41:25 -0500 )edit