I have created my map using hector slam, now I want my robot to navigate autonomously. How do I acheive this?
I have created a robot that has wheels connected to an arduino, these wheels will move by giving a pwm using arduino. My arduino is connected to raspberry pi. I have connected an RPLIDAR to my raspberry pi which publishes nodes on ROS and I am able to create a map on my laptop using hector slam. The next thing i want to do is to have my robot move autonomously to any location I want on the map.
How can I acheive this? There are tutorials but those only show the simulated version. How can i acheive this with my robot.
P.S. I know its a broad question, but any guidance to point me in the right is appreciated. Thanks!
Asked by Haadi on 2020-08-11 02:12:23 UTC