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Vehicle not stopping at stop line when using OpenPlanner with lanelet2 map

I am using Autoware 1.13 with a OpenPlanner related fork (common, coreplanning and coreperception are replaced) for use with lanelets. Currently I am assuming the problem is in the lanelet2 map. I have an example video using wf_simulator to navigate the map and visualized using Rviz here. The .osm file and the lanelet launch file is also included. The map was created using TierIV 1.13 mapping tool.

Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-08-05 18:21:55 UTC


I will check, but first are you sure you have a stop sign and this stop sign is connected to the stop line, and the stop line is connected to a lane ?

proper connection is essential for OpenPlanner to function correctly.

Asked by Hatem on 2020-08-08 02:58:00 UTC

I can't be completely sure it was done correctly because I could not find any good examples but I have a stop_sign(ID 158) and stop_line(ID 157) connected to a regulatory element(ID 159) that is referred to by the lane(ID 78) preceding to the stop_line and the subsequent turn lane(ID 94).

Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-08-08 13:17:39 UTC

Hi,can your OpenPlanner(with common, core_planning and core_perception are replaced) implement obstacle avoidance or lane change?

Asked by fantasyplus on 2020-08-25 20:10:39 UTC

Hello,Patrick N,I want know which branch/tags to choose in the fork.Thanks a lot.

Asked by NJUST on 2020-10-24 04:11:29 UTC

I was using the openplanner.1.13 branch in those repositories. I never managed to get it to stop at a stop sign.

Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-10-26 15:09:56 UTC

thanks,I will try for it

Asked by NJUST on 2020-10-26 21:54:19 UTC


@Patrick N. , I have found a problem in the Lanelet2MapLoader in op_planner, lane and stop line connection was incomplete.

I added the connection, please check and let me know if it works.

Asked by Hatem on 2020-08-08 22:45:56 UTC


I pulled the latest common and core_planning. Now the global planner is not outputting any waypoints when I use the 2D Nav Goal.

Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-08-10 12:54:17 UTC

can you give me more information, screen shot or video ! please recheck your parameters settings

Asked by Hatem on 2020-08-10 21:58:42 UTC

I have added another video, openplanner1_13_op_global_planner.mp4, to this

Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-08-11 12:51:03 UTC

op_global_planner didn't load the map,

it should output to the terminal that map is being loaded from lanelet2 parser.

I checked, there is a problem, with lanelet2 map loading

in op_global_planner.laumch, you need to set mapSource = 3

and lanelet2_origin if you have.

This will load from file directly.

The problem is the global planner and local planner always listen to the /lanelet_map_bin topic. and that causes the conflict.

I will fix this when I have time,

Currently there is a workaround: in both op_global_planner.launch and op_common_params.launch

1- mapSource = 3

2- set origin

3- start lanelet2 map loader after you launch op_global_planner and op_local_planner, or change topic name of "/lanelet_map_bin" , so openplanner doesn't try to load from bin.

Asked by Hatem on 2020-08-11 21:14:18 UTC

Ive tried to implement what you specified but the vehicle still exhibits the same behavior of ignoring the stop. Ive added a new video to the same link and included the launch file I used to launch the openplanner software. I remapped in /lanelet_map_bin topic to an arbitrary topic name that is not used to avoid the software from using it. I also had to include a .osm.proj.dat file or it would output an error of failed to load map (not shown in the video).

Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-08-17 15:02:44 UTC

Any update on this?

Asked by Patrick N. on 2020-08-28 09:00:58 UTC

hi,I wonder if Lanelet2 can be used in autoware1.14 and can the maps drawn with JOSM be used directly for planning.I am looking forward to your reply.

Asked by NJUST on 2020-10-21 02:54:25 UTC

Not with OpenPlanner 1.5 in the master branch.

Only OpenPlannet 2.0 in my repository can use lanelet2.

Asked by Hatem on 2020-10-22 02:12:07 UTC

Can you attach a link to your repository,thanks

Asked by NJUST on 2020-10-22 02:23:06 UTC

Asked by Hatem on 2020-10-22 02:27:04 UTC

thanks,Hatem,which branch/tag should I choose,or they all belong to OP2.0?Another problem is that my Autoware version is 1.14,will it works.

Asked by NJUST on 2020-10-22 22:25:27 UTC

branch is openplannet.1.13, sorry it works with 1.13 only.

you will have to merge OpenPlanner to 1.14 yourself if you want to use it with that release

Asked by Hatem on 2020-10-27 19:23:33 UTC

Hi,matem,when I merge op to 1.14 and I met this problem in the final stages of compilation.

--- stderr: op_direct_controller
In file included from /home/ros/ /home/ros/ fatal error: autoware_can_msgs/CANInfo.h: No such file or directory #include ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/op_direct_controller.dir/nodes/op_direct_controller.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/op_direct_controller.dir/all] Error 2

make: *** [all] Error 2

Failed <<< op_direct_controller [10.0s, exited with code 2] Aborted <<< costmap_generator [31.3s]

  • There is no op_direct_controller packages in 1.14,where is CANInfo.h.

Asked by NJUST on 2020-10-28 04:04:40 UTC

I guess this because the CANinfo message name is changes from 1.13 to 1.14 , you need to change the code according to the new message name.

Asked by Hatem on 2020-12-06 22:26:35 UTC

I have the same problem, @Patrick did you manage to stop the car at the stopline ? Anyone have an idea why the car doesn't stop at the stopline ?

I am using : Autoware 1.13 with the forked openplanner and lanelet2 (including a stopline) for the map.

The OSM file looks like:

Asked by Taha@IRT on 2021-05-26 11:13:02 UTC
