Adding gripper to move group stops motion planning

asked 2020-07-25 11:06:37 -0500

anton_ros gravatar image


I have modified the urdf of the UR3 by adding flange and gripper (RG6) to the kinematics chain. Both are stored as .stl files and implemented as joint type "fixed". The gripper does not contain the kinematics of the fingers (only one part).

When just using the flange in the description file everything works fine. In the next step by adding the gripper in analog way, the motion planning is not responding via MoveIt.

But in Rviz the visualization of the whole robot is successfully loaded as well as the adaption of the current (physically) pose. Still, flange and gripper are colored red and somehow showing collision, even if it is not the case... I guess. All in all the controller is not reacting and calculating any solution for the new generated move_group.

In terminal of roslaunch ur3_moveit_config ur3_moveit_planning_execution.launch:

[ WARN] [1595691099.493099904]: Unable to find a valid state nearby the start state (using jiggle fraction of 0.050000 and 100 sampling attempts). Passing the original planning request to the planner.
[ WARN] [1595691099.495280880]: RRTConnect: Skipping invalid start state (invalid state)
[ERROR] [1595691099.495717974]: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
[ WARN] [1595691099.496174174]: ParallelPlan::solve(): Unable to find solution by any of the threads in 0.001243 seconds

In terminal of roslaunch ur3_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true:

[ WARN] [1595691081.863621923]: Skipping virtual joint 'fixed_base' because its child frame 'base_link' does not match the URDF frame 'world'
[ INFO] [1595691081.863667782]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[ WARN] [1595691081.957169497]: Kinematics solver doesn't support #attempts anymore, but only a timeout.
Please remove the parameter '/rviz_labor_11995_2317914190004943165/manipulator/kinematics_solver_attempts' from your configuration.
[ INFO] [1595691082.263250813]: Starting planning scene monitor
[ INFO] [1595691082.267848333]: Listening to '/move_group/monitored_planning_scene'
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QVector<int>'
(Make sure 'QVector<int>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QVector<int>'
(Make sure 'QVector<int>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
[ INFO] [1595691082.625465944]: Constructing new MoveGroup connection for group 'manipulator' in namespace ''
[ INFO] [1595691083.771668528]: Ready to take commands for planning group manipulator.
[ INFO] [1595691083.771898468]: Looking around: no
[ INFO] [1595691083.771997609]: Replanning: no
[ INFO] [1595691083.802149205]: Marker 'EE:goal_ee_link/10': mesh_use_embedded_materials is ignored.
[ INFO] [1595691095.895278706]: Marker 'EE:goal_ee_link/21': mesh_use_embedded_materials is ignored.
[ INFO] [1595691099.507494079]: ABORTED: No motion plan found. No execution attempted.

Do I have to execute some other steps to fixing this behavior?

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