rviz frame fails to load

asked 2020-07-22 13:10:29 -0500

mdgonzales1998 gravatar image

updated 2020-07-22 13:13:03 -0500

I have created a Qt application that uses librviz to have a viewable rviz window inside the application. It works on the machine I programmed it on and a few others. However, when I try using it on the computer that has the back end code for our robot, the code hangs. I've tried changing the way it finds the path to the rviz config file, otherwise I have no clue what is wrong.


    self.rvizFrame_cc = rviz.VisualizationFrame()
    reader = rviz.YamlConfigReader()
    config = rviz.Config()
    reader.readFile(config, "pc_test.rviz") # completes this line
    self.rvizFrame_cc.load(config) # hangs here
    self.manager_cc = self.rvizFrame_cc.getManager()
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