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Hector_mapping Scanmatcher_frame arg to be set

Hey guys,

I use YouBot and wanted to see, which mapping works better for me. I used Gmapping and i wanted to try Hectormapping. My YouBot uses 2 Lasers (published on: Laserscanfront AND Laserscanback). I gitcloned Hectormapping into catkinws/src/ and catkinmaked it. No Errors. When I launch youbotgazeborobot base.launch and want to launch Hectormapping (roslaunch hectormapping mappingdefault.launch) it says:

"[ .../mappingdefault.launch]" requires the 'scanmatcherframe' arg to be set

I didnt changed anything in the Hectorfiles.

Im new to ros and i dont know how to set the arg or what it want from me. I saw another Question with a similiard problem, but the Answer didnt helped me out.

I use ROS Kinetic on my VM with Ubuntu 16.04

I hope some of you could Help me, ty <3

Asked by Rosnoob on 2020-07-21 08:49:40 UTC

