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Preparing configuration files

I am a beginner in ROS (6 months) and have worked on UR5, Open Manipulator and Moveit basics, adding a camera, connecting to Raspberry Pi, etc. I want to do a project now on for which I would also need an actual affordable robot so I chose Arduino Braccio arm and found the urdf file on github. Can someone please tell me what are the steps I need to take next to develop this robot. Considering I only have my urdf file with me as starting point. I was able to generate moveit config files but when I launch rviz it shows NO tf DATA. So I understand there are many hurdles before I can actually move it. In online courses/books theres always some site which gives all required files to clone. But I dont know how to take this further on my own. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Asked by Atreya_Bhat on 2020-07-14 23:19:48 UTC



Hey Atreya_Bhat, even I started working with MoveIt! quite a few months back. But I hope I can provide some useful tips for you at this stage.

Since you already have a URDF, you should "catkin build" or "catkin_make" (whichever is applicable to your ROS and MoveIt! workspace) the folder containing the URDF file of the robot, in the Ubuntu terminal. Only after that, I would advise you to open the MoveIt! Setup Assistant and start creating the configuration package (useful link over here).

After creating the configuration package successfully, you should "catkin build" or "catkin_make" this config folder created in your workspace. Then you can follow the steps on this link to start playing with your robot, using the RViz interface.

To automate or programming the tasks for the robot, you can then follow up through this page (This is for using C++, python based is available as well. But from my experience till now, it has been easy for a new guy like me to find various useful code syntax from the MoveIt! tutorials website for C++ and references from various online discussion posts/forums.).

Please Note: Reading your question, I have assumed that you are familiar with building ROS packages and have installed MoveIt! properly as well. And that you want to test/try the robot by running it in a computer using MoveIt!.

Asked by KP_learner on 2020-07-15 10:35:12 UTC


Thanks for your answer KP_learner, actually I have been following those tutorials, but my exact problem is, U know u find these folders inside a downloaded robot like open_manipulator_controller, perception, and many other 10s of folders containing numerous launch files, cmakes, scripts etc. My question is how do I proceed with creating those.. because all the online tutorials give you all the necessary files to get started , but dont show how to create those firsthand from scratch.

Asked by Atreya_Bhat on 2020-07-15 23:19:54 UTC