what depends on control frequency and planner_frequency in move_base?
what depends on control frequency and plannerfrequency in movebase?
I am using mobile robot. it has 3 hz control frequency while dwalocalplanner. It gets hard narrow road.
I know simtime, samplex, sample_th and other paramaters are effect the frequency. when I reduced these parameters, path planning of robot is getting worse
What can i do for increasing controlfrequency and plannerfrequency?
Asked by mehmetduramaz on 2020-07-10 06:02:31 UTC
It changes how often the planning/control runs, not the actual output of the planner.
Asked by David Lu on 2020-07-10 09:11:55 UTC
You should mention aspects of the robot spec; What platform, computer, LiDAR, etc. Also, do you see warning/error messages?
Asked by jordan on 2020-07-10 09:18:57 UTC
The robot has Lidar and Jetson Actually my problem is slow control. I want to changes to be contol_frequency 10hz, the algorithm give me loop is missing
Asked by mehmetduramaz on 2020-07-13 00:56:02 UTC
How's the CPU loading?... Run "top -d 1" in a terminal while the problem is occurring.
Asked by jordan on 2020-07-14 08:54:06 UTC