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Why is the y-axis of the tag identified by apriltags perpendicular to the tag plane

I try to use apriltags in ROS for robot following,but the y-axis of the tag identified by apriltags is perpendicular to the tag plane image description The results I want to recognize are as follows, the camera's z axis and the label's z axis are in one direction.

Can someone tell me where the problem is and how should I fix it

Asked by tytx on 2020-07-09 08:29:45 UTC



This looks like it's due to the same issue I had with depthcloud mapping; your camera frames likely need to have an additional suffix "_optical" frame defined with a different orientation (z forward, x right, y down). Then have AprilTag use the "_optical" frame instead of the main camera frame.

See REP 103.

Asked by TACD on 2021-10-07 06:27:08 UTC
