Save Moveit! robotTrajectory when using pick pipeline if successful.

asked 2020-07-05 20:17:15 -0500

viraj96 gravatar image

updated 2020-07-05 20:19:16 -0500

My ROS version is kinetic and I am using a UR5 robot along with Robotiq_2f_85 gripper. I am able to successfully utilize Moveit! library to pick up an object in the environment. While doing so, the planner sometimes is not able to find a solution. When it does find the solution I want to store the corresponding RobotTrajectory so that I can reuse that when I am repeating the task rather than making Moveit! planner repeat the whole process again. I am wondering if there is any C++ API within Moveit! that provides some information regarding this.

I know that Moveit! Plan API has trajectory_ attribute that one can use but I am not sure how to populate the Plan in the first place. Does pick function also populate a Plan variable internally that I can access?

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