Rostest with a dataset
Hi, I would like to launch my test with rostest in order to get running gazebo and the tested node.
I succeed to make it work with
catkin_make run_tests
This test requires a dataset in a subdirectory 'data'
catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}_test test/test_pc_merger.cpp test/test_pc_merger.h WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/test)
When I launch it with rostest, here is the error
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file 'data/cloud1.pcd'. Couldn't read file data/cloud1.pcd
I'm trying to copy this dataset directory with a DIRECTORY copy in the CMakelist but where ?
Asked by TomSon on 2020-07-01 09:10:18 UTC
Have you tried adding $(find my_package)
to find the file relative to the my_package in your test's launchfile? You will also have to add the associated parameter for specifying the file location to the test. Here's an example of what your pc_merger test would look like assuming the package name was 'my_package' and the test node had a local ros parameter called 'sample_pointcloud':
<test pkg="my_package" test-name="pc_merger_test_1" type="pc_merger_node" >
<param name="sample_pointcloud" value="$(find my_package)/data/cloud1.pcd" />
Another way to handle this would be to specify the current working directory the test is launched in using the cwd attribute. This would allow you to keep a hardcoded relative path to the test file in your test. Here's what that would look like:
<test pkg="my_package" test-name="pc_merger_test_1" type="pc_merger_node" cwd="$(find my_package)"/>
Asked by Link on 2020-07-01 09:30:50 UTC
Here is my current test file
<test test-name="test" pkg="pointcloud_merger"
type="pointcloud_merger_test" >
<remap from="cloud1" to="/sensor1/depth/points"/>
<remap from="cloud2" to="/sensor2/depth/points"/>
Asked by TomSon on 2020-07-01 09:39:28 UTC
your answer didn't contain type of the test node, is it a mistake ?
Asked by TomSon on 2020-07-01 09:40:01 UTC
finally found it , the path of runtest execution is
What is the ROS environnement variable associated ?
Asked by TomSon on 2020-07-01 09:55:03 UTC
Sorry the important part was passing the parameter with the file path relative to the package. Roslaunch uses /home/$USER/.ros as the working directory for all nodes launched, unless specified otherwise.
Asked by Link on 2020-07-01 11:59:03 UTC
Can you add a parameter to the test for the file location?
Asked by Link on 2020-07-01 11:59:39 UTC
I added some more explanation and fixed the launch file errors in the test
Asked by Link on 2020-07-01 12:02:39 UTC
Seems to be ROS_HOME the associated env variable. But in my case it wasn't set. I didn't want to add parameters because at first it's not a node. It's a preliminary test to check the correct sum with PCL. Now that it works well, I have to make another as a node and do the same with the live pointcloud, that's why there is some remap.
Asked by TomSon on 2020-07-02 02:46:36 UTC