Select quantity of waypoints generated in moveit planned trajectory
It always generates 10 waypoints (included initial and final position).
I have searched in the tutorials and the only reference says that the ompl_planning.yaml configuration should be edited (but doesn't say how).
I searched an example and replicated the configuration to modify the "maximumwaypointdistance" to 0.5 (for example), but it had no effect. Moveit still generates 10 waypoints per trajectory.
By the way, if it's possible to set this parameter from the C++ interface that would be ideal.
I am running on moveit latest version of the kinetic branch.
Asked by AlexisGaziello on 2020-06-25 20:35:54 UTC
Setting the rosparam /move_group/ompl/maximum_waypoint_distance actually works.
Asked by AlexisGaziello on 2020-07-12 06:41:39 UTC