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The following package was not found in <arg default ... />

Hey guys, I'm currently trying to launch the f1tenth_simulator package but I run into the below error when I try launching the simulator.launch file using

roslaunch simulator.launch

Resource not found: The following package was not found in <arg default="$(find f1tenth_simulator)/maps/levine.yaml" name="map"/>: f1tenth_simulator`

I split the above error into that preformatted code and quotes because the disappears when I leave it entirely as preformatted code or a quote. The path I'm doing this from is:


In case that matters. I'm also doing this on ROS Melodic and windows 10 as my OS, done through the command line. This probably makes the problem a bit more difficult to answer. I'm pretty new to ROS and being on windows isn't helping ;/ thanks in advance.

Asked by Shurimian on 2020-06-23 18:27:11 UTC


Hello there, I had two thoughts: When you launched your command window, did you call c:\opt\ros\melodic\x64\setup.bat? After you built your workspace, did you call devel\setup.bat?

I'm not sure if the f1tenth project has been enabled on Windows. If you are interested in self-driving cars, we've worked with the ar-tu-do project from TU Dartmoth - to enable Windows (and simulation on Azure with Windows and Linux)

Asked by OoeyGUI on 2020-06-24 10:39:37 UTC


Hey, I made an account just to answer this. You need to source your f1tenth/devel/setup.bash file

Asked by QueenJ on 2021-09-19 22:35:36 UTC


Thank you! Saved me a lot of time!

Asked by LeoBotianer on 2022-05-17 02:59:16 UTC