The following package was not found in <arg default ... />
Hey guys, I'm currently trying to launch the f1tenth_simulator package but I run into the below error when I try launching the simulator.launch file using
roslaunch simulator.launch
[31mResource not found: The following package was not found in
<arg default="$(find f1tenth_simulator)/maps/levine.yaml" name="map"/>
: f1tenth_simulator`
I split the above error into that preformatted code and quotes because the
In case that matters. I'm also doing this on ROS Melodic and windows 10 as my OS, done through the command line. This probably makes the problem a bit more difficult to answer. I'm pretty new to ROS and being on windows isn't helping ;/ thanks in advance.
Asked by Shurimian on 2020-06-23 18:27:11 UTC
Hey, I made an account just to answer this. You need to source your f1tenth/devel/setup.bash file
Asked by QueenJ on 2021-09-19 22:35:36 UTC
Thank you! Saved me a lot of time!
Asked by LeoBotianer on 2022-05-17 02:59:16 UTC
Hello there, I had two thoughts: When you launched your command window, did you call c:\opt\ros\melodic\x64\setup.bat? After you built your workspace, did you call devel\setup.bat?
I'm not sure if the f1tenth project has been enabled on Windows. If you are interested in self-driving cars, we've worked with the ar-tu-do project from TU Dartmoth - to enable Windows (and simulation on Azure with Windows and Linux)
Asked by OoeyGUI on 2020-06-24 10:39:37 UTC