Rviz tf error: Failed to transform from frame [/map] to frame [map]
Hi guys,
I have a really strange error with with new set up Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. I have a rosbag file which is played and I get an error in RViz at showing a pointcloud: Failed to transform from frame [/map] to frame [map]. On my other computer (Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic) I have not any problem. In my opinion, there should be now difference between "/map" and "map". Hopefully, somebody have an idea.... Best regards, ilsta
Hi, Did you find a solution for this? I just updated and I have the same problem
No, I just had to record a new bagfile and I changed in my code/launchfile the frame to "map" and now it works. But former there was no such error/problem at ROS....
I have this problem as well. I recorded the bag with Pointcloud2 msg using ROS Kinetic. Then I tried to replay the bag in ROS Noetic and I get same problem (Failed to transform from frame [/world] to frame [world]). What I did to temporary solved it is I changed the fixed frame in RVIZ to "//world" (double slash)