rviz running very slow

asked 2020-06-12 02:38:54 -0500

dinesh gravatar image

When i view the 640*460 pointcloud + connect each points with line series marker. The rviz is very very slow i.e i can't even rotate the camera view. I tried the same code on the desktop with vidia graphics, and latest i7 cpu but still the result is same.

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You should check how much cpu is used with htop. What is the publishing rate of the pointcloud and do you connect the points at each callback ?

Delb gravatar image Delb  ( 2020-06-12 02:53:36 -0500 )edit

yes. and with pointcloud i'm also publishing marker of type line_list which is connecting each point in pointcloud.

dinesh gravatar image dinesh  ( 2020-06-13 05:11:11 -0500 )edit

Okay but at which rate is your callbak called ? Given the fact that you connect all the points each time (and that you have 640*460=300000 points) if the rate is too high I wouldn't be surprised that you wouldn't have enough CPU to do those computations. Maybe try some profiling to check that.

Delb gravatar image Delb  ( 2020-06-16 04:11:15 -0500 )edit