move_base with projection from Octomap
Is there an existing solution to add octomap projection to costmap used by move_base?
If no:
I have two solutions then:
Update costmap with data from projection
How to add an intermediate update for costmap before it is used for navigation?
Make pointcloud from projection and consume it by move_base.
What can you advise me?
Asked by Viacheslav on 2020-06-09 08:07:44 UTC
The normal usecase for move_base is using global_costmap (derived from a map, for global path palnning) and a local_costmap (derived from map and current sensor data, for local path planning, obstacle avoidance). You can use the projected_map as the input for the global costmap, and the laser_scans as obstacle layer in local_costmap.
Asked by Dragonslayer on 2020-06-09 09:36:07 UTC
Thanks. But can you provide a bit more information? I can't find how to give projection_map as input. Seems move_base internally make the costmaps(local and global) and use them for navigation. Projection and costmaps are OccupancyGrid, but they have different sizes, resolutions, and positions.
Asked by Viacheslav on 2020-06-09 10:05:00 UTC
octomap projected_map is of type occupancygrid thats what costmap2d requires, there should be no big issue. Starting with the wiki would be best (link text). In the end you will have .yaml paramter files for global and local costmaps (and more for the rest of the navigation stack), in there you define input topic, resolution etc. You can look link text here for an example.
Asked by Dragonslayer on 2020-06-09 10:39:25 UTC