get forward kinematics fail [closed]
When using the get_fk.cpp and get_ik.cpp source code from this tutorial and am receiving a kinematics failed response in one terminal, and this daunting error message in the other.
[al5b_arm_kinematics-4] process has died [pid 1722, exit code -11, cmd /home/oliver/ros_workspace/Source/arm_navigation/arm_kinematics_constraint_aware/bin/arm_kinematics_constraint_aware __name:=al5b_arm_kinematics __log:=/home/oliver/.ros/log/e3db037a-ab39-11e1-add2-00242c4909b3/al5b_arm_kinematics-4.log].
log file: /home/oliver/.ros/log/e3db037a-ab39-11e1-add2-00242c4909b3/al5b_arm_kinematics-4*.log
EDIT: I seem to be publishing four links (two joint's connections), even though I've verified the urdf using
urdf_parser check_urdf <urdf_model>
---------- Successfully Parsed XML ---------------
root Link: world has 1 child(ren)
child(1): shoulder_roll_link
child(1): shoulder_flex_link
child(1): upperarm_link
child(1): forearm_flex_link
child(1): forearm_roll_link
child(1): wrist_flex_link
child(1): wrist_roll_link
child(1): laser
and the planning components visualiser. But running
rosrun tf tf_monitor
I get two trees
->laser - wrist_roll_link ->world - shoulder_roll_link
the same as this pos
EDIT1: I'm not using the services above mentioned exactly from this tutorial - the requested services were altered to match the services created by the planning description component wizard ("/al5b_arm_kinematics/get_fk " etc. which are available - checked using rosservice list), sorry about that confusion.
The error does not occur anymore but now I am curious as to why, when I publish the topic /joint_states as a sensor_msgs/JointState (with all joints) the al5b_arm_navigation node gives me the warning
[ WARN] [1338564374.593596001]: Got joint state update but did not update some joints for more than 1 second. Turn on DEBUG for more info
[ INFO] [1338564375.318709521]: Waiting for robot state ...
[ INFO] [1338564375.318775881]: Waiting for joint state ...
[ INFO] [1338564375.552888161]: Waiting for environment server planning scene registration service /register_planning_scene
[ INFO] [1338564375.554357401]: waitForService: Service [/register_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
and does not instantiate the above mentioned /al5b_arm_kinematics/ services, continuously.
but when I use the robot_state_publisher, which according to my previous post, does not correlate to the IK/FK described in the planning configuration wizard, the output is
[ INFO] [1338564645.890675001]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /al5b_arm_kinematics
[ INFO] [1338564646.191609841]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /ompl_planning
[ INFO] [1338564646.491904641]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /planning_scene_validity_server
[ INFO] [1338564647.294952841]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /trajectory_filter_server
The robot_state publisher shoulder just publish the currently Cartesian and Quaternion states of each link to tf from a robot description URDF and joint state, correct? Why is this allowing my al5b_arm_navigation to work rather than just publishing the states raw as a sensor_msgs/JointState?
EDIT2:The Forward kinematics still fails, which leads me to believe the tree is not complete...somewhere, but I've scoured all my launch files/nodes etc. and don't know where to look anymore. My urdf is located in a previous question here. Forward kinematics is essentially just a transform matrix from the "frame_id" to the target id, given the robot description (urdf) and joint states ("/joint_states" topic), which is why I previously posted regarding the discrepancy between my link description ...
So, what's in the logfile?
I'm quite new at this - how do you read a logfile? 'cat <filename>' returns nothing
could it be incorrect publishing on the tf topic.
It seems like the tip and root link are being published simultaneously, but all other links are not, is there a way to rectify this?
I still think your FK node is segfaulting. You said that you used an existing node and changed it, so chances are good that something is wrong with that code. Please provide a backtrace or try the arm_kinematics node.
OK I'll get back to you in a few days. Thanks for your help. p.s. I had assumed the FK and IK nodes did not need inertia or mass of the links because it's kinematics. Is this correct, or should each joint/link be fully defined for these nodes to work?