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Message with array of point clouds


I am using RTABMAP to map the environment and separate the ground plane form the obstacles. Now, I want to segment the obstacles in different objects, I found that PCL has such functionality. The problem is that my code is in python and I couldn't get the PCL python biding to work.

So, I thought of creating a C++ node just to segment the objects, but, for each point cloud received by the node, it would have to return multiple separated point clouds. How would be the best way to handle it? Is it possible to create a message that has a variable length list of point clouds?

Asked by czr on 2020-05-28 07:07:38 UTC



Follow this tutorial to create a new custom message that could look like this:

Header header
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2[] clouds

Asked by matlabbe on 2020-06-02 10:46:21 UTC
