Custom A* planner always says "not a valid start or goal"

asked 2020-05-28 00:52:10 -0500

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Hi,i have been trying to use the custom A* planner on turtlebot3,using a static map, from this github repo- i am running on ubuntu 18.04 and ros melodic. i configured the planner and it is getting initialised properly,but when i give any point as a goal,the planner always says "Not valid start or goal".

i tried tweaking the parameters in global_costmap_params.yaml.

Here is my global_costmap_params.yaml file :


 global_frame: map

 robot_base_frame: base_footprint

 update_frequency: 10.0

 publish_frequency: 10.0

 transform_tolerance: 0.5

 static_map: true

map.yaml :

 image: ./map.pgm

 resolution: 0.050000

 origin: [-10,-10, 0.000000]

 negate: 0

 occupied_thresh: 0.65

 free_thresh: 0.196

what is the cause of this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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