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Difference between roscpp and rclcpp?

I do not follow the difference between roscpp and rclcpp. Are they both C++ libraries for interacting with ROS kernel?

Asked by Zhoulai Fu on 2020-05-22 08:04:47 UTC


Just an observation:

Are they both C++ libraries for interacting with ROS kernel?

"the ROS kernel" does not exist. There is no kernel there, as far as that word is used to refer to the concept of an OS kernel (such as the Linux kernel).

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2020-05-23 03:39:18 UTC


Here you can learn more about ROS Client Library (rcl) for ROS2:

rclcpp is a c++ client libary for ROS2 written for c++. rclpy i.e. is a client libary for ROS2 written for Python3. They both rely on the core libary rcl written in C.

roscpp is a c++ client Libary for ROS1:

The mentioned libraries come all pre-installed when you install your desired ROS distro (base or desktop)

Asked by flo on 2020-05-22 08:26:11 UTC
