gazebo plugin path not set on new fuerte install
Hi all, I'm new to fuerte. Now that that's out there...
I notice this debug message when I run
roslaunch gazeboworlds cameraworld.launch
"pluginPaths and GAZEBOPLUGINPATH doesn't exist.Set GAZEBOPLUGINPATH to Ogre's installation path. ...or are you loading via SystemPlugins?"
Poking around I see that this path is mentioned in:
I did an apt-get based install.
- Did anyone else get this warning?
- Is it a problem that the makes reference to
which doesn't exist on my machine instead of/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo_plugins
- Should the
really be set to the Ogre installation path as the warning indicates? - Is this also related to the gazebomediapath and reason why gazebo can't find cup.mesh for this launch file?
Asked by SL Remy on 2012-05-30 08:32:30 UTC
I get that, and towards the end it says: all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done
Asked by kshitij on 2012-05-31 04:26:36 UTC