trajectory processing algorithms and its output

asked 2020-05-18 09:15:21 -0500

xibeisiber gravatar image

Hi all, I noticed that there are three kinds of trajectory processing algorithms in Moveit. The default one is IterativeParabolicTimeParameterization.
I knew this belongs to the TOPP algorithms, but there are many versions of TOPP, generally classified as NI-based and CO-based. Which version is it?? any references about this?

On the other side, if I understand right, Moveit will send the position, velocity, acceleration of the waypoints to the Joint_trajactory_controller, and the controller will do spline interpolation (cubic or quintic) again.
Does Moveit send the information of all waypoints at the same time like a matrix or send the info of one waypoint separately like an array?
Is it possible that Moveit also sends the parameters of the trajectory processing algorithm so that Joint_trajactory_controller does not need to do spline interpolation again?

Not sure whether these questions are stupid,,, but just curious..
Thanks for any suggestion!

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