map/16 Octomap error in Rviz
I am doing 3D mapping with Pioneer3-AT robot using Octomap in ROS Melodic and even though it works I always have "map/16" warning saying "Uninitialized quaternion, assuming identity." I haven't found anything about that on the internet so far. Did someone have that warning? It looks like this: Can someone tell my why I am getting that warning or help me handle it? Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Leo
Asked by leodomitrovic on 2020-05-07 14:03:04 UTC
I have the same error, even though it seem to work. The reason for it working (supposedly) is because the quarternion is initialised with an identity rotation it seems. This identity rotation could be a false assumption in many cases I suppose.
Asked by Quizzarex on 2020-08-26 07:29:20 UTC
I also have the same error and the map is not updating. How to fix this?
Asked by arifzaman on 2021-06-15 14:13:29 UTC