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roscpp clear topics node


I'm using image_transport to publish images, and depending on the format, it will publish it to different topics.

So to give a simplified example:

That works, but if I want to change format on the fly (eg from grayscale to color), I want to "unadvertise" the topic /image/grayscale" so it doesnt show up in the rostopic list anymore.

Is this in any way possible? I tried first deleting my image_transport object and nodehandle object, then creating new objects and advertise the new topic, but the old topic remains in the list of available topics.

Asked by wilson1994 on 2020-04-23 09:24:22 UTC



I found an answer to my question:

you have to destroy (or call shutdown on) your image_transport::Publisher objects to unadvertise that specific topic.

Asked by wilson1994 on 2020-04-24 01:52:05 UTC
