How to add .urdf file to visualize multiple range sensors in RVIZ2 using ROS2 Dashing?

asked 2020-04-22 07:31:15 -0500

svintissen gravatar image

updated 2022-04-11 14:43:58 -0500

lucasw gravatar image


I have a python file reading sensor measurements from three ultrasonic distance sensors. Each measurement is then pblished as a range message on three different topics (sonar_1, sonar_2 and sonar_3). The three sensors have field_of_view = 30 degrees. I want to visualize the sensor data in RVIZ2, with the sensors placed with 30 degrees in between(pointing in different directions). I managed to do it using the static transform publisher, however I want to use a .urdf file.

How is this done is ROS2?

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