ros over radio

asked 2020-04-21 03:42:09 -0500

dinesh gravatar image

instead of wifi is it possible to use ros over radio network? How is this possbile? is their any radio modules which can be used instead of wifi? i heared that radio is more secure than wifi hench i want to communicate with robot using radio using ros.

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This is too vague -- I would almost close it because of that.

instead of wifi is it possible to use ros over radio network?

what sort of "radio"? Wifi technology also uses radio signals, so right now this question is a bit ambiguous.

Please try to be more specific in your question.

And as a short comment: TCPROS (and UDPROS) ultimately use the TCP/IP stack of your OS. If you provide a transport which can transmit and receive IP packets, things should work immediately (note: perhaps not optimally, but they should work).

i heared that radio is more secure than wifi

you may want to quantify this a bit more. Right now this sounds like a doubtful statement.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2020-04-21 05:53:34 -0500 )edit