ERROR: cannot launch node of type [turtlebot3_teleop/turtlebot3_teleop_key]: Cannot locate node of type [turtlebot3_teleop_key] in package [turtlebot3_teleop]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)
I have a turtlebot3 burger hardware. When I following the official instuction at
This error occur. And I found check the ros package of turtlebot3_teleop, this file really lost and it seems that it can"t be there naturally.(I reinstall this package and this "turtlebot3_teleop_key" file is still lost).
I try to solve that by cloning the papckages from The program seems work but the hardware(real turtlebot3) doesn't move when I press keyboard.
Hi @lsattf,
Are you sure you have the proper permissions over the file? Maybe it is a problem of your set up and you did not source ROS and catkin enviroments Also remember the need to set up the
enviroment variable. If you have installed those packages from ubuntu apt you can find theturtlebot3_teleop
package in/opt/ros/melodic/lib
.If nothing of this solve the issue maybe is a connection problem between the turtlebot and you controller. How are you trying to control the turtlebot, with its embarqued computer or with a connected one? Where is the
running? In the tutorial you posted they mention a "remote PC" so I've figured you are conecting a laptop to the onboard pc of the turtlebot.Thanks. I configured my openCR and solved at last. There is a step of pressing openCR button to move the wheels on turtlebot.
Great! If that solve your problem post it as the correct answer, good job!