Error in implementing Robot model and robot state on open manipulator (following moveit ROS tutorials)

asked 2020-04-04 11:29:42 -0500

Sai teja gravatar image

Hello I am following the moveit ROS tutorials for panda arm and implementing the same on my robot Open Manipulator. Here is the tutorial link that I am following.

I used the cpp code which is available from the moveit_tutorials, changed the required parameters to launch on open manipulator but i got an error saying that "cannot locate the node". Here is the error

process[rosout-1]: started with pid [6399] started core service [/rosout] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [moveit_openmanipulator/robot_model_and_robot_state]: can't locate node [robot_model_and_robot_state] in package [moveit_openmanipulator]

I tried to check the cpp node by using locate command but it is redirecting me to the file in the tutorials but not to the cpp file that I want to try on the Open manipulator.

I ran this command

locate robot_model_and_robot_state_tutorial.cpp

The outcome is this:

/home/nallam/ws_moveit/build/moveit_tutorials/doc/robot_model_and_robot_state/CMakeFiles/robot_model_and_robot_state_tutorial.dir/src/robot_model_and_robot_state_tutorial.cpp.o /home/nallam/ws_moveit/src/moveit_tutorials/doc/robot_model_and_robot_state/src/robot_model_and_robot_state_tutorial.cpp

But I have the code in both the moveit_tutorials and also in the moveit_openmanipulator package but it is not showing the code which is in moveit_openmanipulator

Can someone help me resolve this issue. I appreciate your help

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let me know if u have solved this issue ...i m facing the same problem

dharmendra gravatar image dharmendra  ( 2020-04-17 13:06:25 -0500 )edit

It's not resolved yet. Let me know if you can resolve this issue

Sai teja gravatar image Sai teja  ( 2020-04-17 13:08:59 -0500 )edit