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unable to launch roboframenet_desktop.launch

Hi all, I am trying to run roboframenet, following instructions given at :

$ rosmake roboframenet --rosdep-install runs fine with [ rosmake ] Built 178 packages with 0 failures. But I am not able to launch roboframenet_desktop.launch

I am using electric on Ubuntu 11.10. The issues are:-

  1. $roslaunch roboframenet roboframenetdesktop.launch does not work as launch file is not inside the roboframenet directory. Instead I need to use : roslaunch roboframenetbringup roboframenet_desktop.launch (minor issue, written for completeness)

    But the launch is not successful (for stanfordparserros). The message I am getting is
    [rosrun] Couldn't find executable named below /home/nirala/rosworkspace/rosjava/rosjavabootstrap
    and later
    [stanfordparserros-3] process has died [pid 9267, exit code 3].
    log files: /home/nirala/.ros/log/0fb38994-a668-11e1-ba34-7071bc63a65c/stanfordparserros-3*.log

    rest of the launch seems fine.

    The needed file is not getting downloaded with the method given for installation of rosjava. i.e, hg clone I guess current version is downloading only things related to java in rosjava and not python as I could see using URL : but couldn't find folder of python (at ..rosjava_bootstrap/.gradle/src/main/) if I browse from root.

    If this is the issue then how to get the needed rosjava installation.

  2. My rosjava build is not complete it fails at ./gradle test. But I guess even if rosjava installation is complete then also this issue will remain (please comment). I have posted the rosjava problem at (in comment) :
roswtf is giving output as:-
Found 3 warning(s).
Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault

WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected: * /imperativetodeclarative: * /command * /moo: * /moo/cancel * /moo/goal * /semanticframer: * /parse * /loop: * /looptopic/goal * /looptopic/cancel * /stop: * /stoptopic/goal * /stoptopic/cancel * /utter: * /utter/goal * /utter/cancel * /ping: * /pingtopic/cancel * /ping_topic/goal

WARNING The following nodes are unexpectedly connected: * /stop->/rosout (/rosout) * /semanticframer->/rosout (/rosout) * /imperativetodeclarative->/rosout (/rosout) * /utter->/rosout (/rosout) * /frameregistrar->/rosout (/rosout) * /loop->/rosout (/rosout) * /moo->/rosout (/rosout) * /arbitrator->/rosout (/rosout) * /ping->/rosout (/rosout) * /executor->/rosout (/rosout)

WARNING These nodes have died: * stanfordparserros-2

Found 8 error(s).

ERROR Communication with [/moo] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/imperativetodeclarative] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/frame_registrar] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/arbitrator] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/semantic_framer] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/stop] raised an error:

ERROR Communication with [/loop] raised an error:

ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't:

  • /frameregistrar->/arbitrator (/filledsemantic_frames)
  • /semanticframer->/frameregistrar (/filledlexicalunits)
How can I directly send a message by-passing the need of stanfordparserros. Can I get a sample message doing this (also the topic to which it is published.)

Asked by aknirala on 2012-05-25 03:31:51 UTC



Do you still see the issue (or no longer working on this)? I'm able to run launch file on fuerte just now. I guess the improvements in depended libraries over time (incl. rosjava itself) might have been a fix.

Asked by 130s on 2013-02-17 20:53:13 UTC


Hey, As of now I am not working on this (but would see it soon). I am still working on electric as my sim env was not loading on fuerte : Same with groovy. Thnx anyway

Asked by aknirala on 2013-02-24 02:57:02 UTC